American xl bully puppys




Type : For Sale
Kennel name : L36Bullys
Date of birth : 22/07/2022
Vaccinations up to date : Yes
Microchipped : Yes
Registered : Yes
Name of registry : Abkc
Price Range : 2000
I am : Private
Location : Liverpool, UK

Here we have American Xl bully pups for sale

Lilac & Lilac Tris available.

Mum & Dad both from Top bloodlines

Abkc registered

We only have females  available

Ready to go now 9 weeks old

They are fully wormed, flead  and microchipped along with first vaccination before they leave.

Serious Enquirys only please no time wasters .



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Safety tips for buyers

1. Never send money to a seller without meeting in person. If you are buying over seas or unable to travel to see the dog, we highly recommend video calls to meet the owner and see pups with mum. 

2. Ask seller for proof of any/all documents and paperwork that may be offered with the sale. 
3Always verify who you are buying from, social media is a great tool for verifying people. If you are buying from a breeder, ask for references from their previous clients, research their kennel and gather as much information as possible about the breeder and their dogs. 
4Do not buy on impulse, trust your instincts - Remember that the most important tool you have in avoiding scams and pitfalls when buying a dog is your own instinct. If something feels wrong, it probably is! 

The Puppy Pod
